KR 2 - Request For Fans Input

  • Apologies for posting in english, but maybe one of you can translate it all for me. And I didn't want all of you left out. :)

    Ok, first some good news. It appears progress is indeed still being made on the second Davilex Knight Rider game. For legal reasons, they cannot yet disclose any images from it sadly.

    Anyway, they have requested some more input from the fans, as they are really pushing for authenticity.

    We want to create a list of brief shouts/remarks/exclamations
    from Michael and Kitt that we can use during certain moments
    in the game.

    For example, when Kitt bumps into something, we want him to
    say something to Michael. Something in style and "funny".

    Obviously we need numerous speechlines for each situation
    in order to avoid repetition. These must be really really short and catchy pieces of dialog, for various different situations.

    So there you have it. If some of you want to help, try and think of some brief exchanges from the series perhaps, that could be used in the game. Or come up with your own - as long as it sounds in character. ;)

    Here's a few examples of scenarios:

    • KITT hitting a civilian car by mistake
    • KITT colliding with scenery
    • KITT getting flipped
    • KITT scanning an object
    • KITT approaching a large gap that will require turbo boost
    • KITT and Michael general chit chat while driving

    If you want to help, please mail your suggestions to me at, and not to Davilex's e-mail address. They appreciate people's enthusiasm for the new game, but they regret they don't have the time to reply to every single e-mail. As a result, it is highly likely your mail won't even get read - especially as some of you are mailing several times a week. So, please respect their wishes and mail your suggestions to me, and I'll put them all on a text file and forward it to the Producer. That way its guaranteed to get read. :)

    Finally, I need some help from a French and a German fan. If you are familiar with all localised episodes of Knight Rider in your respective country, and can speak good english, please drop me an e-mail. There is a second project requiring your assistance.

    The deadline for submissions is 01:00 AM EST on Monday 12th January.

    Thanks for reading, and hope to hear from you all.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Sith (7. Januar 2004 um 20:50)

  • Ich hab mir mal ein paar Gedanken gemacht, und zu mach Punkt mir ne Antwort zusammen geschustert.

    Da mein Englisch nicht das perfekteste ist, würde ich mich freuen, wenn es jemand verbessern würde, und es mit in seine Ideen mit hineinpackt.
    Kommt es uns allen am Ende auch zu Gute.

    Vielleicht habt ihr ja auch wieder vor zu sammeln, und das ganze dann gebündelt an Sith zu schicken.

    Nun hier mal mein Anfang. (Ich tät mich ja gern mehr damit beschäftigen, hab aber nich die Zeit dazu. Falls mir noch was einfällt, werd ichs versuchen vor Einsendeschluss zu editieren.)

    ·KITT hitting a civilian car by mistake

    Das kann eigentlich nur Michaels Fehler gewesen sein. :)
    Ein Zusammenstoß ist bei KITTs Programmierung bekanntlich unmöglich, und somit wäre ein Satz, wie:
    Michael, pay a little more attention on the other road users. They don`t have my molecular bonded shell. (Michael, achten sie mehr auf die anderen Verkehrteilnehmer. Diese verfügen nicht über meinen molekularen Aussenschutz.)

    ·KITT colliding with scenery

    Must that be? (Musste das sein?)
    That was not necessary. And just not the shortest route, too. (Das war nicht notwendig. Und genauso wenig der kürzeste Weg.)

    ·KITT getting flipped

    ·KITT scanning an object

    ·KITT approaching a large gap that will require turbo boost

    That goes above my abilities. Michael you dont want to do that really? Oh no, you do. (Das geht über meine Fähigkeiten. Michael, das wollen sie doch nicht wirklich machen? Oh nein, er macht es doch.)

    ·KITT and Michael general chit chat while driving



  • The French and German positions have now been filled. Thanks to all who mailed. :)

  • Zitat

    Original von Brauereimeister
    Bin ja noch nicht so lange hier...
    Aber is der Kerl ernstzunehmen?

    Ja ist er. Er kommt aus dem US Knight Rider Board.